Stronghold Companies Executive Leadership Team

Joe Durham CEO

Joe Durham


Chris Box COO

Chris Box


Blake Stoehr CFO

Blake Stoehr


Steve Green Sr. Vice President of CSL

Steve Green

Sr. Vice President of CSL

Donny Cunningham Sr. Vice President of STS

Donny Cunningham

Sr. Vice President of STS

Joseph Robles Vice President of STG

Joseph Robles

Vice President of STG

Bryan Limke Vice President of SHI

Bryan Limke

Vice President of SHI

Jack Sutherland Vice President of Stronghold

Jack Sutherland

Vice President of Stronghold

Chad Edgar Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Chad Edgar

Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Andrew Russell Vice President of Stronghold University

Andrew Russell

Vice President of Stronghold University

Cheryl Wyatt Vice President of Human Resources

Cheryl Wyatt

Vice President of Human Resources

Travis Jenkins Sr. Vice President of HSSE

Travis Jenkins

Sr. Vice President of HSSE

Fred Phillips Director HSSE for EPC/EFL/TKIE/SHI/STS

Fred Phillips


Steve Aguirre Director HSSE for ETS/STG

Steve Aguirre

Director HSSE for ETS/STG

Byron Moncrief Vice President QA/QC

Byron Moncrief

Vice President QA/QC

Amanda Cange General Counsel

Amanda Cange

General Counsel